Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa (9 Ways to Fix) 

I recently noticed that my Ring doorbell not announcing on Alexa when someone rang the bell. 

At first, I thought it was a glitch with my device, but after some troubleshooting and research, I discovered several potential causes for this issue. 

In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps to help you fix your Ring doorbell issue that it is not announcing on Alexa. 

Here are a few quick tips:

  • Check that you’ve enabled the Alexa announcements 
  • Disable the don’t disturb mode for Alexa
  • Check your doorbell battery or power supply 
  • Reset the doorbell and Wi-Fi network 

Let’s take a closer look!

How to Fix Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

You should try these possible solutions when the Ring doorbell isn’t ringing on Alexa. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

1. Enable Announcements 

When you set up your Ring doorbell on Alexa, the doorbell announcements will be disabled by default. And it will be the reason for your doorbell to not ring on Alexa. 

After setting up the doorbell, you should check the Alexa announcements; it should be enabled for both motion and push buttons. 

After enabling the Ring doorbell announcements, you’ll be able to receive announcements on Alexa when someone presses the doorbell or motion is detected. 

You can do so by following the below steps:

1. Launch the Alexa app on your phone. 

2. Then click on the Devices tab from the bottom of the screen. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

3. And click on cameras, then select your Ring doorbell

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

4. Next, tap on the Gear icon from the top right corner of the screen. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

5. Here, enable the motion and doorbell press announcements. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

2. Select Announcements Devices 

If you’ve already enabled the Alexa announcements, you should also check that you’ve selected the correct Amazon Alexa device on which you want to receive announcements. 

Here are the steps to do so: 

1. Open the Alexa app and go to the devices tab

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

2. Then select the camera, and click on your Ring doorbell

3. From the camera preview, click on the Gear icon from the top right corner. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

4. Select the Announcement Devices

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

5. Here, ensure you’ve selected all devices where you want the announcements. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

3. Disable Don’t Disturb Mode 

Another reason you do not receive announcements on Alexa is “do not disturb” mode. If the do not disturb mode is enabled, it will cause you to not receive announcements. 

You should disable the don’t disturb mode for Ring doorbell in the Alexa app. Here are the steps to do so:

1. Launch the Alexa app on your phone. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

2. Go to the “devices” tab and your Echo & Alexa. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

3. Click on the Gear icon from the top right corner. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

4. Scroll down and choose “Do Not Disturb” to disable it for your device. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

4. Disable and Re-Enable Alexa Skill for Ring App

You can also fix this problem by disabling the Ring Alexa skill from the Alexa app. And then re-enable it, and the method will re-establish the connection and resolve connection issues. 

Removing your Ring Alexa skill will don’t do anything with your Ring app or remove the doorbell from the Ring app. 

Here are steps to disable the Ring Alexa Skill:

1. Launch the Alexa app on your phone, 

2. And then click on the Menu icon from the bottom right corner. 

3. Choose Skill & Games

4. Click on the Skills and locate the Ring skill

5. Tap on the Ring skill and Disable it. 

6. Tap Disable, and the skill will be removed. 

7. Click on the Device at the bottom right corner. 

8. Now, forget all Ring devices by clicking the Trash Icon

Re-Enable the Ring skill from the Alexa app: 

1. Open the Ring app and click the Menu icon from the bottom right corner. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

2. Tap on Skills & Games option. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

3. Click on the search icon from the top of the screen and search for Ring skill

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

4. Select the Ring from the search results. 

5. Then tap on Enable To Use

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

6. Next, link your Amazon & Ring accounts

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

7. After entering your account information, Ring skill be added, and you’ll be asked to discover the device.

8. Click on Discover Devices

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

9. And all of your Ring devices will appear and automatically connect. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

5. Check Battery 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

If the doorbell battery runs too low, it will not connect to Alexa, and you’ll not receive Alexa announcements. 

So, you should check your doorbell battery; if it is low, plug it into the charger. Install it back once it is fully charged. 

However, if the battery is not charging, you should check your power source or power cable. If it is still not fixed, you should replace your doorbell battery. 

6. Power Cycle Router & Doorbell 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

If trying all the solutions, you cannot fix your Ring doorbell issues, you should power cycle the router and doorbell. 

Power cycling is to turn off your appliance’s power and power it back on after a few minutes; it helps you remove the device’s glitches or bugs. 

Here is how you can power cycle your Ring doorbell:

1. Locate the circuit breaker that controls the doorbell power. 

2. Turn off the breaker for about a minute. 

3. After about one minute, turn the circuit breaker back on. 

You can power cycle your router following the below steps:

1. Locate the power adapter of your router. 

2. Unplug it from the power outlet. 

3. After one minute, plug the adapter back into the outlet. 

7. Reset Doorbell & Router

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

Performing a factory reset for your devices will fix the malfunctioning connection and help you get the Alexa announcements. 

Performing a factory reset will remove all kinds of data from the devices and turn them back to their default factory settings. 

After resetting, the devices will be refreshed, and software glitches also be removed; it will fix the doorbell or Internet issues.

Here is how you can rest your Ring doorbell:

1. Unmount the doorbell from its mounting plate. 

2. Locate the yellow reset button at the rear cover of your doorbell. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

3. Press and hold the reset button for about 20 seconds. 

4. Release the button while the doorbell starts flashing blue. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

You can reset your router by following the below steps:

1. Ensure the router is switched on. 

2. Press and hold the reset button from the back of the router using a paperclip for about 15 seconds. 

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

3. Release the reset button, and wait until the router turns back on. 

8. Change Router Placements

Ring Doorbell Not Announcing On Alexa

Your Alexa announcements will not work due to a slow Wi-Fi network connection. The slow Internet connection can be if your router placement is not correct. 

If your router is too far from your Alexa devices or Ring doorbell, it can cause missing notifications or Alexa announcements. 

So, you should check your router position; if it is far from the device, you should bring it closer to the doorbell and your Alexa devices within the 60-80 feet range. 

9. Contact Customer Support 

If none of the above-provided solutions fixed your Ring doorbell Alexa announcements issue, you should contact Ring customer support. 

Customer support will further assist you with different solutions and help to get your Ring announcements on Alexa. 

Wrapping Up 

These are the possible solutions to fix your Ring doorbell that isn’t announced on Alexa:

  • Enable Announcements 
  • Select Announcements Devices 
  • Check Battery 
  • Power Cycle Router & Doorbell 
  • Reset Doorbell 
  • Reset the Router 
  • Change Router Placements 

Now I’d like to hear from you!

Which solution from this article is working for your Ring doorbell? 

Let me know in the comment. 

Read Also:

Ring Doorbell On Sony TV!

Ring Doorbell Keeps Disconnecting From Wi-Fi

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Change Ring Doorbell Wi-Fi Without Removing

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