Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi (10 Ways to Fix)

As I set up my new Google Nest Doorbell, I quickly realized it wasn’t connecting to Wi-Fi.

After spending hours figuring out the problem and troubleshooting every possible solution, I eventually discovered why my Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi .

It turns out there are several common issues that can cause this particular type of doorbell to fail when attempting a connection.

In this article, I’ll share the potential problems and all possible solutions that will help fix your Nest doorbell that won’t connect to Wi-Fi.

Let’s get started!

How to Fix Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

These possible solutions will help you fix your Nest doorbell that isn’t connecting to Wi-Fi. 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

1. Check Wi-Fi Connection 

Firstly you should check your Wi-Fi connection to ensure it is working correctly because a faulty network connection can be the reason for your Nest doorbell issues. 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

You can check your router connection by connecting to your phone or laptop. Open the web browser on your phone; if you cannot open the browser or use the Internet, your network will be faulty. 

Also, you can check your network connection using online Wi-Fi speed checker software. Using this software, you can accurately check your Wi-Fi speed. 

2. Change Wi-Fi Frequency Band Type 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

While the doorbell isn’t connecting to the Wi-Fi, the common reason can be the Wi-Fi frequency band type. 

It’s proven that the 5Ghz network works great compared to the 2Ghz, but the reason is that most of Nest products are not compatible with it. 

If you have a dual-band router, ensure it is not running on 5 GHz. Because it can prevent the doorbell from being connected. 

So, you should switch the router from 5Ghz to 2.4Ghz network type. It can be done by visiting the router settings or reading the owner manual. 

3. Place Router Closer to the Doorbell

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

The range is an important consideration in wireless devices; a long distance between devices can lead the device to Wi-Fi connection issues. 

So, you should check your router’s position and ensure it’s not too far from the doorbell. It will cause a slow network connection and prevent the doorbell from connecting. 

It’s good to bring your device closer to each other; you place your router to the point closer to your doorbell. 

Also, you can unmount your Nest doorbell from its mounting bracket and bring it closer to the router. After connecting, you can put it back on the mounting plate. 

4. Remove Network Interference 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

When you’ve connected many devices to your router, it will slow down your Wi-Fi connection and will not connect to your doorbell. 

Wi-Fi devices have a limit to connecting the number of devices; an increase will cause an unstable connection. 

So, you should check your router limits and the number of connected devices. And disconnecting a few devices connected to your router will help to improve your Wi-Fi connection. 

Also, you should move devices away from your doorbell and router that emits radio waves, as they can interfere with your connection. 

5. Check Device Power 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

Receiving low power on your doorbell causes it to prevent connecting from a Wi-Fi connection. Also, it can lead the device to keep disconnecting from the network connection or go offline. 

So, you should check your doorbell power supply for battery-powered or wireless doorbells. Fix the doorbell wiring and replace the batteries of your wireless doorbell. 

If your doorbell isn’t charging, you should also check the weather; if it is too hot or cold, you should plug the device inside your house. 

6. Power Cycle Router & Doorbell 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

For a long time, use of your device, it can start showing errors due to software bugs or glitches in the program. 

While your doorbell is not connecting to Wi-Fi due to software bugs, it can be fixed by power cycling your doorbell and router. 

Power cycling the devices will remove any issue with the device software and refresh it. 

You can power cycle your Nest doorbell by turning off the circuit breaker and turning it back on after a few minutes. 

To power cycle your router, you should unplug the power adapter from the power outlet and wait about a minute. After one minute, plug it back into the outlet and turn it back on. 

7. Reset Nest App 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

Another solution you can try to resolve your Nest doorbell Wi-Fi connection is to factory reset it. Performing a factory reset will refresh the device and remove the software glitches. 

After resetting, your doorbell will remove the saved videos, so you should back up your data before resetting. 

Here is how you can reset the Nest doorbell:

1. Unmount the doorbell from its mounting plate. 

2. Locate the reset button from the back of your doorbell. 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

3. Press and hold the reset button for about 15 seconds. 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

4. Release the button while the status light starts blinking yellow. 

8. Factory Reset Router

If your router connection is still not fixed or unstable, you should perform a factory reset for the Wi-Fi router. 

Here are steps to reset your Wi-Fi router:

1. Ensure the router is switched on. 

2. Press and hold the reset button from the back of your router for about 15 seconds. 

Google Nest Doorbell Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

3. Release the button after 15 seconds and then wait until it turns back on. 

9. Update Nest or Google Home App

Using an outdated Google Home or Nest app that you are using to connect your doorbell can lead to connectivity issues. 

You should resolve this issue by checking your app version and updating the latest one on your phone. 

Here are steps to update the app:

1. Launch the App Store or Play Store on your phone. 

2. Then search the Nest or Home app by typing in the search box. 

3. And then click on the ‘update” button to install the latest version. 

10. Contact Customer Support 

If none of the solutions has helped you resolve your Nest doorbell that isn’t connecting to Wi-Fi, you should contact Google customer support. 

The customer support team will assist you with further solutions and help resolve the network connection issues. 

Wrapping Up

These are the possible solutions that will resolve your Nest doorbell Wi-Fi issues:

  • Check Wi-Fi Connection 
  • Change Wi-Fi Frequency Band Type 
  • Place Router Closer to the Doorbell
  • Remove Network Interference 
  • Check Device Power 
  • Power Cycle Router & Doorbell 
  • Reset Nest App 
  • Update Nest or Google Home App

Now I’d like to hear from you!

Which method has helped you to resolve the Nest doorbell? 

Let me know in the comment. 

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